The Louis Vuitton Artsy MM M44869 in White/Brown is a stunning replica of the original handbag, embodying understated bohemian style. Crafted from durable and easy-to-clean Monogram coated canvas, this bag is both practical and stylish. It features natural Cowhide-leather trim, adding an elegant touch to its overall design. The Microfiber lining ensures the protection of your belongings from scratches and damage.
The bag’s Gold-color hardware is not only fashionable but also built to last, ensuring the longevity of the bag. It boasts a large inside zipped pocket, perfect for keeping important items such as wallets and phones securely stored. Additionally, it has six inside flat pockets, three on each side, providing ample space for other essentials.
Included with the bag is a Keybell with key ring and hook, keeping your keys organized and easily accessible. The four protective bottom studs ensure that the bag remains upright and prevents damage when resting on surfaces. The single handle design allows for easy carrying.
The Louis Vuitton Artsy MM M44869 White/Brown effortlessly captures the essence of understated bohemian style, making it a perfect choice for those seeking elegance in their outfit. With Louis Vuitton’s iconic and supple Monogram canvas complemented by rich golden metallic pieces and a finely crafted leather handle, this handbag is a must-have accessory.
Detailed Features
- 16.1 x 12.6 x 8.7 inches/ 46x32x24cm (length x Height x Width)
- Monogram coated canvas
- Natural Cowhide-leather trim
- Microfiber lining
- Gold-color hardware
- Large inside zipped pocket
- 6 inside flat pockets (3 on each side)
- Keybell with key ring and hook
- 4 protective bottom studs
- Handle: Single
The Louis Vuitton Artsy MM M44869 White/Brown replica handbag is a sophisticated accessory that exudes timeless style.